Julie Gill Conflict CoachConflict can enter our lives at different places and different times. Having the tools to manage conflict in a positive manner can lead to decreased stress.

Coaching is usually done in one-one meetings.

If there is more than one party involved, a summary meeting can be held with the other party to explain what actions are being taken to improve the situation.


Having trouble communicating with your teen? Sometimes it’s as though we don’t speak the same language. Conflict resolution and communication are excellent life skills that can go a long way to helping your teen grow into a successful adult. Participating in coaching sessions shows your teen your commitment to the relationship, the resolution and their value in the family.  Read more

Communication Coaching 

Are you frustrated and having a difficult time expressing yourself? Effective communication is a skill that we could all use help developing, especially in difficult situations. Understanding our communication styles, how we are perceived and the other’s communication styles can go along way to helping turn a challenge into an opportunity for dialogue.

Anger Management 

Do you have a client that is required to take Anger Management training?‘ ‘Responsibly Angry’ is a 4 hour one-one coaching session that addresses how we react to frustration, criticism or threats. Taking responsiblity for our actions and reactions, regardless of the situation. Areas covered are Understanding Anger, Conflict Resolution, Dealing with Difficult People, Effective Communication and Solutions. Certificate of Participation is provided upon completion.

Employee Conflict 

Do you have an employee with less than stellar responses to conflict? This will assist the employee in exploring their personal responses to conflict. Conflict coaching is often used as a follow up to group conflict training seminars as way to help the employee develop skills around problem solving, team building, working through misunderstandings and disagreements as well as improving communication.

Sports Conflict 

Do you have a coach, player and/or parent that struggles to communicate appropriately in order to be heard? Through www.conflictinsports.ca I offer solutions that will allow club administrators, coaches, parents and teams to better handle and resolve conflicts.