We Need To Talk TV Show

We Need To Talk about…Divorce

On this week’s show I talk about Divorce and Divorce Support in the Durham Region with my guests:

Darryl Glover – A lawyer with Glover & Associates; and

Julie McLaren – A member of Separation2Success

Why do we need to talk about divorce? Because it affects so many families and the cost emotionally and financially can be so high.

There are lots of things to think about and FIGHT over during divorce. I know…I’ve been there, done that, got the tshirt AND then lost the Tshirt in the divorce.

How do you stay focused on your kids? What about all of the money questions? How do I even start the process?

I think it’s safe to say that many divorces involve some conflict and some unwillingness to solve problems together.

Getting support during this time is critical. Legal, emotional and financial support. Your family and friends can laugh with you, cry with you and get mad with you but….they shouldn’t be your only source of information during this time.

Remember just like your family is unique, so is your divorce. Making the right decisions for your family is key. Decisions that you’re not going to regret.

During Divorce you have options and that’s important to know. Like any major life decision though your divorce needs planning.

As a mediator and separation coach, what do I know?

  1. While there may not be a right way to break up, there are certainly wrong ways.
  2. If you make your separation a war…it will become expense
  3. When you’re emotional it’s harder to focus on doing the right thing than you think.
  4. There is no one size fits all divorce. Your solution needs to be a unique as you are.

I’ll let you in on a little secret, IF you have kids…Divorce isn’t over when you sign the agreement.

You will always be mom, he will always be dad…separation/divorce doesn’t change that. Your best chance at success is to really focus on the best interests of your kids, NOT the legal definition of that.

You can get through this…you are stronger than you think.


Julie Gill

Follow me on twitter @JulieAnne_Gill or watch the show on Rogers TV Durham.

I would love your feedback.